The rapid development of social media has a direct impact on increasing public enthusiasm for the use of digital channels. Various platforms are available to answer the various transaction needs of the community.
Not only online shopping behavior , the rate of digitization is also often used for good transactions through a number of online fundraising and donation platforms ( social crowdfunding ). The perpetrators are on average among the Z generation and millennials who are accustomed to using internet access.
No wonder the crowdfunding platform has been greeted positively by netizens. This is because Indonesia is the most generous country in the world according to the 2018 Charity Aid Foundation World Giving Index. In its report, Indonesia occupies the top position of 144 countries that like to donate.
The results of a survey conducted for 10 years (2009-2018) with 1.3 million respondents said that Indonesia was the most generous country on the indicator of money donations with a percentage of 78%. The report released the fact that more than 90% of the money donation transactions were conducted virtually.
Good deeds, creativity and a strong determination to help fellow human beings are what have led to the formation of a number of donation-raising start-ups. One of them is
To this day has managed to collect hundreds or even thousands of good people who have become donors and channeled Rp. 5.4 billion to those in need.
“Until now, we have distributed donations of Rp. 5.4 billion from 90 campaign activities for the sick, education and social assistance throughout Indonesia,” said Nathalia Sunaidi, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in a report to Marketeers.
Nathalia’s initial intention to build this social platform was to create a social movement that could help many people.
Initially he carried out direct social projects such as raising funds from the immediate environment, such as friends, business partners and family. Not infrequently he comes to remote areas, sick people who cannot afford medical expenses, or help underprivileged families.
As time goes by, Nathalia thinks that everyone is increasingly focused on the digital world so they often ignore their social environment, which is in need of attention and help.
“From that, I took the initiative to form the Kita Bantu Persada Foundation and then shifted my focus to the platform as an online donation forum ,” he said. itself has gone through a number of ratifications and adjustments to legislation, one of which has a Money and Goods Collection (PUB) permit from the Ministry of Social Affairs with SK (Decree) 1336 / HUK-PS / 2020 for the general category and natural disasters.
Not only with this trust, also involves volunteers to oversee fundraising so that it is truly accepted by residents who need assistance. This includes ensuring that patients are accepted by the hospital or that children who drop out of school can continue their education.
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They also update information on the progress of patients or people who are being assisted through the website .
“The volunteers will get a commission of 1% of the donations collected. We call it instant karma in the form of ” thanks giving ” to cover the costs of the volunteers when they help people in need, “explained Nathalia.
At, donors from all walks of life can still provide suggestions and input via online accounts so they can stay connected to the platform .
The total donation collected to those who raise will be subject to an administrative fee of 5%, however, fundraising campaigns for natural disasters will be free of any fees.
Currently, is open to the widest possible collaboration, both with public figures , companies making social programs, and government elements to encourage active public participation in dealing with social problems.