UQWO – The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkominfo) through the National Digital Literacy Movement (GNLD) Siberkreasi is educating the public about digital technology, including around crypto tokens. Recently, the ministry introduced its webinar series covering various knowledge about NFT and blockchain .
Launched as part of the #MakinCakapDigital campaign, this program aims to educate the public, particularly in response to the surge in interest in crypto tokens, cryptocurrencies and blockchain among young Indonesians in recent years.
Entitled “Digital Literacy Conversation ( OOTD ) Sale”, the program premiered on YouTube on February 17 with the topic “Knowing the World of NFT and Blockchain.” Speakers in attendance included Syammas P. Sarbini from the Indonesian NFT Community, Bhredipta Socarana from Youth IGF (Internet governance forum), and Indonesian NFT collector Dennis Adhiswara.
Along with the growth of cryptocurrencies taking place around the world, Indonesia has experienced a significant increase especially in adopting new technologies. Last year, a report from an Australian blockchain education startup ranked Indonesia highest on the list of countries with the greatest interest in crypto . According to the report, the number of Google searches on cryptocurrency , NFT, and blockchain in Indonesia soared over the past twelve months compared to other countries. Indonesia is also experiencing one of the highest increases in engagement with articles around crypto tokens globally.
This increase in interest was proven through the webinar event as well. The reason is, hundreds of participants attended live on YouTube, and to this day thousands of people have watched the recorded video of this webinar . In the webinar, Syammas P. Sarbini from the Indonesian NFT Community opened a discussion with the topic of the basics of NFT and how it is applied in today’s world. Meanwhile, Bhredipta Socarana from Indonesian Youth IGF talked about digital literacy around the blockchain system , its implementation, and the extent to which users in Indonesia understand its benefits and potential.
In 2021, there were more than 7.4 million crypto token owners in Indonesia, an 85% increase compared to 2020. At the beginning of this year, Indonesia was also in the early global spotlight after a student, Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali, managed to sell a selfie. himself in the form of NFT “Ghozali Everyday” and made a profit of up to US $ 1 million.
However, Syammas P. Sarbini reminded the public not to rush into investing. “Ghozali Everyday is an anomaly. Anyone who wants to explore the world of NFT and blockchain needs to focus on community and growth, not on making easy money,” he said during the webinar while highlighting the importance of understanding the platform, both risks and opportunities, rather than just going with the flow.
Dennis Adhiswara, a community leader and NFT collector, expressed a similar opinion. At the webinar, he shared his experiences in selecting and collecting NFT artworks.
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“NFT’s real value and potential lies in its technology. People need to understand and know the ins and outs of supporting technology, understand the challenges, and protect themselves from fraud,” said Dennis.
To anticipate the risks of investing in NFT, the government has implemented various digital literacy programs to educate the Indonesian people, particularly regarding security of navigation technology and digital skills needed to optimize innovation.