Practicum Presents Online Bootcamp

Digital Workers Are Needed More, Practicum Presents Online Bootcamp , The global platform for providing online courses, Practicum, has launched a special Online Bootcamp program for the Indonesian people. This Online Bootcamp presents learning programs for the fields of data analysis, data science , and web development which are specially prepared to suit the needs and characteristics of the Indonesian people.

Technological developments in this digital era have an impact on many aspects of life, including the world of work. Today, more and more companies are in need of a digital workforce with qualified special skills. Based on data from Practicum, Indonesia needs 17 million skilled and ready-to-use digital workers by 2030.

“Seeing the rapid development of technology, more and more tools and devices can replace the role of humans. The role of humans in an industry will shift to understand the new technology. Currently, 80% of large Indonesian companies are looking for experts who have knowledge in the digital field, especially skilled workers in the data field,” said Herdian Mohammad, Southeast Asia Director of Practicum at the Press Conference Practicum event which was held virtually.

This phenomenon is the main reason for Practicum to present an Indonesian-based Online Bootcamp . In the Online Bootcamp , Practicum offers various training programs that can hone skills for professions related to digital data such as Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and Web Developer.

“In running a business, data is an important element. That’s why almost all technology startups in Indonesia, even in the world, need workers who have experience and skills in this field. We present the Online Bootcamp Practicum in Indonesian and can be followed by anyone who wants to hone their skills or equip themselves with skills in the data field,” added Herdian.

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    Previously, Practicum has launched various online courses in the United States and Europe. Within two years, Practicum has had more than 5000 alumni and 80% of Practicum alumni have found employment after graduation without technical education. In addition, 70.4% of Practicum alumni managed to get a job without having any background experience in the IT field.

    “We hope that our presence can make it easier for anyone who wants to have a career in technology. We also want to help meet the needs of the digital workforce in Indonesia,” said Hendrian.

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