WYF : Build Technology-Based Businesses

It is undeniable that today’s technological advances drive a lot of changes. Starting from the way of life of the community to opening up new business opportunities. You could say, this condition is currently covering the world community, as well as Indonesia. Not a few, young people are trying to jump in to seize opportunities for technological advancement as a new business.

Before diving further, of course these business pioneers need to understand the concept of creative ideas balanced with planning, strategy, and in-depth research. They are also required to be able to read consumer habits or routines that have changed drastically since the pandemic.

This fact is what underlies Prasetiya Mulya University to hold Win Your Future (WYF) again. This annual activity challenges Indonesian youth to initiate the latest, creative, and innovative business and technology ideas that are able to answer the challenges in the digital era.

Not just a business competition, Win Your Future is a movement for aspiring young business people. Here, they will be given a clearer understanding, description, and direction to start a business in various fields.

Carrying the theme Business in Digital Era , this event opens opportunities for high school / equivalent level students as well as undergraduate students from all Indonesian universities. The participants were also asked to choose one of the business ideas from the six categories that were competed, namely AgriTech, EduTech, EnergyTech, FinTech, MedTech, and TourismTech.

Held from March to June 2021, Win Your Future 2021 is organized with various activities, one of which is the Inspiring Talkshow: A Guide to Make Sense of “EverythingTech” with young practitioners and entrepreneurs who are successful in their fields.

Prospective participants can submit their business ideas from March 20 to April 27, 2021 according to the selected category. Then, participants who pass the first (administrative) selection will continue their steps in the workshop session which is directly presented by business practitioners as well as the Faculty Member of Prasetiya Mulya University. In this session, participants will be directed how to develop business ideas into a more structured framework, both in terms of marketing, finance, human resources , production , and other business aspects.

Furthermore, after the participants have submitted business proposals from the workshop session and competition, they will enter the Top 30 elimination round from each participant category. Interestingly, the selected participants will enter the coaching stage .

This session will present young businessmen who are already successful with their respective startups . Apart from the business management side , the participants will also get comprehensive insights for the latest technology developments.

Towards the final stage, the two best teams from each category were given special mentoring from credible business practitioners. These will all be useful for refining the participants’ business proposals and their relevance to current business conditions.

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